The Energy World

The Energy World

REF 11101

The objectives of this training are as follows:

  1. Understand how electricity is produced
  2. Discover key operating points of an electrical network
  3. Evaluate strategic impacts of grid interconnections
  4. Learn the specificity of distribution networks
  5. Quick tour on major players : ABB, SIEMENS, ALSTOM

We propose the following program:

The generation and the electrical network
The High and Medium Voltage
The exit substation
The biomass, solar and wind technologies

Transmission and interconnections
AC/DCThe role of transmission
The role of interconnexion
HVDC technologies

Quality and network stability
The DCS and numerical relays
The transmission lines
The compensation

Electrical distribution
The strategy of distribution and the deregulation
The Smart Grids
The notion of efficiency in the energy world

Duration: 5 days

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