Economy of power plants

Economy of power plants

REF 13401

The objectives of this training are :

  1. Acquire the Economics term relative to power plants
  2. Learn methodologies to compute cost model
  3. Master financial tools to valuate a power plant project and the ROI
  4. Learn the order of magnitude

The program of this training is the following :

Economic Terms

Return on Sales
Asset turnover
PE Ratio
Market/Book Ratio
Return on Equity
Discount Rate
Net Present Value
Internal Rate of Return

Economic Methodologies

Plan Cost Terminology
Simple payback
Return on Equity
Capital Charge Rate
Discounted Cash Flow Analysis

Cost Models

Capital Charge Rate Model
Discounted Cash Flow Model


Baseline Economic Inputs – 1997 400 MW Class

Cost Studies


Economic Comparison

Some words about CO2


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